Chenrezig Sand Mandala Event February 4-9 at PCA

CHENREZIG Sand Mandala

presented by Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center

at Pittsburgh Center for the Arts

February 4-9, 2018

A Chenrezig sand mandala of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition will be constructed by TRTCC resident teacher Venerable Lama Kalsang and visiting teacher Venerable Lama Sonam from Sunday to Friday, February 4-9, 2018, with the opening ceremony on Sunday, February 4th, starting at 10am, and the dissolution ceremony on Friday, February 9th, 10am-noon. Pittsburgh Center for the Arts is located at 6300 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232


Pittsburgh Center For the Arts will open for this Sand Mandala event for these hours:
February 4-8, 10am-5pm;
Friday February 9, 10am-Noon.
Admissions are free.
Donations are welcome.



Lama Sonam

Lama Sonam and Lama Kalsang will work on the Sand Mandala everyday from 10AM – 3:30PM.
At 4PM, Lama Sonam will give a short teaching followed by a period of meditation.

The sand mandala being built here is the mandala of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit), the Buddha of Compassion. The outermost ring of the mandala is a ring of fire. Just inside that is a lotus ring. The central form is the dwelling place, with four gates, each representing a cardinal compass direction and each having its own iconographic significance. Banners fly from the corner ramparts, flanking auspicious parasols. Imagine it coming up into three dimensions. The lotus in the center represents the wisdom seat of the Buddha Chenrezig.

On Friday, February 9th, 2018, at 10AM, the mandala is dissolved to allow the blessings of its making to be shared through the sand from which it was built.  Some of the sand is given to those in attendance.  The remainder is released into a body of water so that the blessings of the mandala will be carried widely to all beings and bring peace to the world.  The sand from this mandala will be taken to the Point and released into the three rivers.  You are also invited to attend that ceremony.

Please help us to spread the words.  To download a flyer please click:  Mandala flyer




Your donations to Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center will help sustain TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round. Our heartfelt thanks to your continual supports to TRTCC!