Vajrapani Empowerment and Practice with Ven. Lama Sonam

Vajrapani Empowerment and Practice

Saturday, April 21, 2018

10am – 3pm

Visiting teacher Venerable Lama Sonam will return to TRTCC to give a special empowerment and teaching on Vajrapani, the wrathful protective deity in Tibetan Buddhism who represents the Buddha’s power in overcoming obstacles and adverse conditions.

10am – 12pm  Vajrapani instruction and Empowerment
12pm – 1pm    Lunch break
1pm – 3pm    Vajrapani practice

On Sunday, Lama Sonam will be teaching on Vajrasattva, the preliminary practice of purifying the mind’s negative activities.


Venerable Lama Sonam is currently the Spiritual Director of Drikung Meditation center in Arlington, Massachusetts.  Originally from Drikung Katsal monastery, Tibet, Lama Sonam has been trained since young age in the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and has received teachings and transmissions from many lineage masters in monasteries in Tibet and India.




Vajrasattva Teaching

Sunday, April 22, 2018

10am – 3pm

10am – 12pm  Vajrasattva Instruction and teaching
12pm – 1pm    Lunch break
1pm – 3pm    Vajrasattva practice




Your donations to our center will help sustain TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round.

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218