Drikung Kagyu Rinchen Ling 2020 Mani Recitation Online Retreat

Drikung Kagyu Rinchen Ling
Mani Recitation (Drubchen) Online Retreat
December 25-29, 2020

Daily Online Teachings by H.E. Nupa Rinpoche

Daily Chanting Sessions with Rinchen Ling Monastics in Nepal

Day 1 Schedule

Session 1: Teaching & Chanting
Dec 25, 8-10 AM (Nepal Standard Time)
Dec 24, 9:15 – 11:15 PM (New York Time)

Session 2: Chanting
Dec 25, 2-3:30 PM (Nepal Standard Time)
Dec 25, 3:15 – 4:45 AM (New York Time)

Session 3: Chanting & Dedication
Dec 25, 7-8:30 PM (Nepal Standard Time)
Dec 25, 8:15 – 9:45 AM (New York Time)


To register for zoom ID, email with your contact number to dkrinchenling@gmail.com     or
enquiry@dkomcentre.org.sg     or


Daily chanting session by Rinchen Ling Monastics for those residing in the US or Europe:

          2:00-4:00 pm ( New York Time )  Dec 25 – 29 2020.

To register, email:

Facebook Live: Drikung Kagyu Rinchen Ling