Recurring weekly:
Every Saturday at 10 am. Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley, We will be studying The Wheel of Life, which is a a series of visual images arranged in an intricate diagram of concentric circles. The Wheel of Life is at the entrance to almost every Tibetan prayer hall, including ours, where a thangka painting hangs just inside the entry. To join our Saturday Zoom meeting:
TRTCC Prayer Book with long life prayer:
Every Tuesday at 7 pm. Introduction to Practice. This six-week class, led by Jonnie Viakley, will offer an explanation of the opening prayers of the center’s practices and the Buddhist philosophy they embody. Each session will also include meditation and basic meditation instruction. Below is a link to a short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, which would be helpful to read. To join our Tuesday Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86948423253?pwd=amUxZ2dUUG10YlZScXFUaVlUdHVYZz09
Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
TRTCC Prayer Book with long life prayer:
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