Sunday, 5/30/2021, Buddha Amitabha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 5/30, at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Buddha Amitabha Practice online. Amitabha means “Infinite Light”, or “Boundless Illumination”. The chanting of the Amitabha mantras and prayers to help the deceased to swiftly go through bardo to reach the Pure Land of Great Happiness (Sukhavati in Sanskrit, and Dewachen in Tibetan) is practiced by buddhists of many traditions all over the world. May this practice benefit all sentient beings. The sadhana text is linked below and will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us:
Saturday at 10 am. Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study  with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley, The subject of study is The Wheel of Life, an intricate visual images an intricate diagram of visual images representing the Buddha’s teachings on the nature of samsara. The Wheel of Life is at the entrance to almost every Tibetan prayer hall, including ours, where a thangka painting hangs just inside the entry. To join our Saturday Zoom meeting:
Tuesday at 7 pm. Introduction to Practice.  offering an introduction to the center’s practices, just concluded. The next session of this series of classes hasn’t yet been scheduled. For information about this class you can email the center at




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