About our center’s finances and a request for supports

September 29, 2021

A Request For Supports

We wanted to give you an update on the center’s finances:  Over the past year and a half of this pandemic we lost several income streams, including the donation box at the center, which was regularly used by people who attended practices throughout the week, and also donations that came with teachings and special events. But our monthly expenses stayed the same.  Thanks to the support of our sangha, we had been meeting those expenses every month.

But in the second quarter this year things finally started catching up with us, and we were in the red for two of the three months of that quarter.  Part of that is that we simply have no cushion in our operating income to meet extra expenses,  like the medical exam and tests needed to finish Lama’s green card.  The other part is that monthly donations have not always been enough to cover even our fixed operating expenses.  We’re in the process of switching to a new energy provider in an effort to lower our monthly bill and also connect us to more sustainable energy sources.  But we haven’t found other places to make cuts.

The center is such a precious place. You can know that just from the experience of practice there. It was also a memorable thing to hear Lho Ontul Rinpoche’s attendant say very quietly as he was preparing the shrine before a teaching that, “this is special place”. And now it’s facing some challenges. We still have a dedicated capital fund for improvements and repairs. But to protect the center’s future, we need to gain more financial stability to meet regular operating expenses.

In our tradition the six paramitas — generosity, moral and ethical discipline, patience, joyful effort, meditation, and wisdom — represent the six dimensions of a bodhisattva’s conduct, and practice of the paramitas is part of the two accumulations’ great sphere. If you are able, please consider including the center in your practice of generosity. Where generosity has already arisen, thank you.

Please know that no amount is too small. Your intention to help is the most important part.

You can either make a donation through PayPal or by sending checks directly to Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center, (7313 Florence Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218). On PayPal you can also set up a regular monthly donation.  Thank you for your support, whatever its form.

The TRTCC Board
Jonnie, Eva, Paul, David and Ralph

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