Tibetan Nuns Project 2022

The Tibetan Nuns Calendars 2022

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center has again ordered The Tibetan Nuns calendars 2022 as our way to continue supporting nuns’ education in the Himalayan regions. The sale of these calendars is Tibetan Nuns Project’s major annual fundraiser.  The calendar contains both the Western and Tibetan lunar calendars with special Buddhist ritual dates listed. Each month shows a photo of nuns’ activities from various nunneries taken by the nuns, with inspirational quotes included. You can find out more at: http://www.tnp.org

These calendars are great gifts for your friends and family.  If you would like to contribute to this effort please reply to TRTCC@threeriverstibetancc.org   and let us know how many you would like to have. We can either mail the calendar to you, or put them on our center’s front porch for you to pick up at a designated time.  If you want it to be mailed to you please add $2 for postage. The calendars cost $12 each and 100% goes to support Tibetan Nuns Project.

Options for payment: 

  • Make a check out to our center, TRTCC, and send it to 7313 Florence Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15218. Please write “Nuns calendar” on the memo line.
  • Use PayPal (click on the “donate” button on the sidebar) to pay; please add a dollar to cover their fees. Add a note to designate this as payment for a calendar.
  • Put cash or check in an envelope that says “Nuns calendar” and put this in our mailbox when you pick it up.

We hope you can support the Tibetan Nuns Project to help empower nuns to become future teachers and leaders.