Dear Dharma Friends,
HAPPY 2022! Our practices this week will remain online only.
May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!
Tuesday, January 4, 7pm, Introduction to Practice. Online only. This informal class offers an introduction to the center’s practices and to meditation in our lineage. It would be helpful to read this short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism before class. To join our Tuesday Zoom:

Saturday, January 8, 10am. Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study. Saturday practice will not meet this week to allow interested sangha members to join a weekend program from Gar Drolma on the profound songs of Milarepa. From 11am to 1pm Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will share Milarepa stories and teachings from the Songs of Realization, and some of the songs will be sung. Details are available on the Gar Drolma website:

Sunday, January 9, 10 am. Sunday practice. Online only. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice, and meditation. To join our Sunday Zoom:
Please support us by donating to our center. Any help that you are able to give will support our center’s many cultural and educational activities and benefit our community of practitioners. Your generosity is much appreciated here. To donate online please click on the button:
If you would like to donate by mailing us a check, please mail to:
Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center
7313 Florence Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Peace, Joy and a Prosperous 2022 to you all!