TRTCC Upcoming Practices, August 2 – 7

Dear Dharma Friends,

Lama Kalsang will be traveling until mid-August. While he is away, Wednesday evening yidam practice will not be on the schedule. All other practices will be online only until his return. Last week the CDC raised the Allegheny County Covid transmission level to Medium, so this is a good time for a short break with in-person activities.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Tuesday, August 2, 7pm, Introduction to Practice. Online only.The topic this week will be purification praction, or the practice of clearing away, including confession with the four powers complete. Join us on Zoom. It would be helpful to read this short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism before class.

Thursday, August 4, 7pm, Shamatha Meditation. Online only. This class offers basic meditation instruction in our lineage. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, August 6, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online only. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, August 7, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice. Online only. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice. Join us on Zoom.