Dear Dharma Friends,
Our regular Saturday and Sunday practices this week are being replaced by weekend teachings with Most Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, Friday June 2 – Sunday June 4, 2023. Registration is open for the teachings,so pease visit this link for the schedule and registration information. Rinpoche has safely arrived in Pittsburgh and Lama Kalsang is hosting his stay at our center. Prior to the weekend we will be sending out a few texts that will be used during the teachings, so please be on the lookout for those later this week.
Our Wednesday evening yidam practice this week is Green Tara, and Thursday evening Tea Break will remain on the schedule!
Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well or have had a recent exposure to Covid, please ensure that you are negative with a home test before coming in or join us online.
May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, May 31, 7pm. Green Tara Practice. Online and in person. The visualization of the deity and recitation of mantra help practitioners identify with the enlightened qualities of Green Tara, which can help overcome fears and obstacles in life. The benefit of achieving successes and happiness in life can be cultivated through this practice. Join us on Zoom.
Thursday, June 1, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.