Ven. Khenmo Drolma’s teaching February 22-24, 2019

Ven. Khenmo Konchog Nyima Drolma’s Public Teaching on

Befriending Your Mind

Friday, February 22, 2019
7:00pm – 9:00pm

At the Sixth Presbyterian Church

Peace and contentment are within us. Yet we are too restless to allow the stillness for them to be revealed.  Fear manifests as agitation and longing for something to be different distracts us.

Using timeless Dharma wisdom, Khenmo Drolma guides us to become a steadfast friend to our mind rather than a wary combatant. Building habits of gentle acceptance for whatever arises, you can relax into the peace of mind that has always been present. Learn how to connect to your inner peace and allow that peace to ripple out to all whom you love and the world.

Ven. Khenmo Konchog Nyima Drolma is the abbess of Vajra Dakini Nunnery in Maine, U.S.A.

In 1997, she took her novice ordination with H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche and received many circles of Drikung empowerments and transmissions during her annual trips and solitary retreats to India. In 1999 she received monastic training at Gampo Abbey guided by Ven. Pema Chödrön in Nova Scotia, Canada. In 2002 she took full ordination as a Buddhist nun in Taiwan.

Formerly, Khenmo Drolma was a sculptor and professor at the University of Maine and the Maine College of Art in the United States.
Using her experience and skills in this field, in 2002-3 Khenmo served as the art director during the construction of Songtsen Library in India, a research resource center with a mission to study and preserve the culture and artifacts of Tibet and the Himalayans. She created the statue of King Songtsen Gampo while supervising all the thangka paintings and statues created by a team of international artists for the library.

In 2004 in Lumbini, Nepal, she was installed as a Khenmo (Abbess) in the Drikung lineage, becoming the first woman and first westerner in her lineage to officially hold this responsibility.  Since then she has worked continuously to establish Vajra Dakini Nunnery and teach the Dharma internationally.




Suggested donation is $10 for this Friday public teaching. Your generous donations will support TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round.  No one will be turned away from dharma teaching for insufficient funds.  Tea will be served at this teaching event.  Please bring your friends or family who are interested in this teaching.

To help us spread the word please download a flyer of this event: Khenmo Drolma Befriending Your Mind flyer



The Sixth Presbyterian Church is located at:

1688 Murray Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15217




Ven. Khenmo Konchog Nyima Drolma’s Teaching on

Buddha’s Breath; Practice for the 21st Century

Saturday and Sunday, February 22-23, 2019
10:00am – 4:00pm

On the same weekend Khenmo Drolma is offering four sessions of the teaching on Buddha’s Breath; Practice for the 21st Century on Saturday and Sunday, February 23-24 morning and afternoon at Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center.

H.H. Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche has developed a new curriculum based on the Anapanasati Sutra that turns to the root of Buddha’s earliest teaching on mindfulness of breath.  Khenmo Drolma will give an introduction to this practice system, teaching Buddha’s pith instructions.  This new curriculum unifies all of Theravada, Zen and Mahamudra philosophies.  The emphasis will be on the practice of Shamatha / Vipassana meditation which is considered both the foundation and the fruition of all practice.  Students of all levels are welcome.  You will build your meditation skills and learn techniques to sustain your practice as obstacles arise.

SATURDAY, February 23, 2019
10:00am-12:00pm–Buddha’s Breath, Practice for the 21st Century
1:30pm-4:00pm — Teaching and Practice on Buddha’s Breath

SUNDAY, February 24, 2019
10:00am-12:00pmBuddha’s Breath, Practice for the 21st Century
1:30pm-4:00pm — Teaching and Practice on Buddha’s Breath



Suggested donation is $30 each day and $50 for both days for this weekend teaching.  A simple vegetarian lunch will be offered by our sangha members on both days.  Your generous donations will support TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round.  No one will be turned away from dharma teaching for insufficient funds.

To help us spread the word please download a flyer of this event: Khenmo Drolma Buddha’s Breath flyer

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at:

7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218